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Thinking of Trying Floatation Therapy? Read This First

flotation therapy

Pings from work emails. Dings from text messages. Modern life comes with a lot of distractions. Ever wish you could get away from all the noise, even for just an hour?

Floatation therapy, an emerging trend in alternative medicine, could be the answer. Here’s what you need to know before you float.

Get the Details

Floatation therapy is a form of sensory deprivation therapy. During a session, a person enters a fully enclosed, dark, soundproof tank filled with 250 gallons of water and about 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt. The water—heated to body temperature—and the salt give a feeling of weightlessness, allowing the person the float.

Thanks to the lack of light and sound, many people say they’re able to better clear their minds than with other relaxation methods like meditation or massage. Some people also report that the weightlessness of floating takes off pressure and provides relief from aching joints or chronic pain.

The Health Benefits of Floating

Floating can do both your mind and body good. Research has shown that floatation therapy lowers blood pressure and levels of stress hormones, and the effects can last for hours after each session.

Other studies have shown that floating can improve quality of life for people with stress disorders like anxiety and insomnia. Subjects reported feeling less tension, anger and fatigue after experiencing floatation therapy. Floating can be especially beneficial to those with chronic pain. Participants in one study reported less perceived pain and better sleep and mood after their floatation therapy sessions.

Discover more ways to relieve stress.

Where to Float in Tennessee

Currently, there are two floatation centers in Tennessee: Float Nashville and Lucidity: Float Center of Chattanooga. A 90-minute session costs between $69 and $85.

Advice or recommendations are for informational or educational purposes only, not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your doctor.

Naomi Mannino

Naomi Mannino is a health and personal finance journalist who specializes in helping consumers get the most from their health and financial choices. She enjoys sharing her personal experiences and never writes about anything she has not tried herself.

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Filed under: Mind & Body


Naomi Mannino is a health and personal finance journalist who specializes in helping consumers get the most from their health and financial choices. She enjoys sharing her personal experiences and never writes about anything she has not tried herself.

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