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How to Start Volunteering

group of volunteers talking

When you get the itch to volunteer, Tennessee has you covered. Hundreds of charitable organizations close to home allow you to participate in national organizations and help the people in your own county.

Benefits of Volunteering

The most important reason to volunteer your time is helping others, but you may experience several other benefits along the way. Choosing to volunteer with friends or family allows you to spending quality with one another. You also get to meet new people and possibly form new friendships. You may be surprised how much you enrich your own life by being involved with a charity.

Want to get involved in your community? Learn more about becoming a volunteer.

Getting Involved

Although you may not have a lot of time to donate, many organizations can use volunteers just a few hours per week or month. When looking for a place to volunteer, know how much time you can put aside and when you’ll be available during the day.

To give you an idea of your volunteering options, check out these causes below:

Lend a Paw

Who doesn’t enjoy working with animals? Your local branch of The Humane Society is a great option that’s always looking for volunteers. Most counties have a facility — Summer, Jefferson, Washington, Dickson, the Tennessee Valley and all major cities — so a quick search will find you the one that’s closest to you.

Volunteer to help with animal care, running the reception desk or helping with pet adoptions. Another great organization is the Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary, which takes in abused and abandoned animals in Middle Tennessee.

Community Service

If you want to help people with mental disabilities, community-based organizations like the Autism Foundation of Tennessee, give you a chance to help families with autistic individuals receive personal therapy and regular support.

Almost every major city in Tennessee has a Big Brothers Big Sisters organization where you can volunteer to mentor a child in need. Also consider volunteering at your local food banks like the Chattanooga Area Food Bank, which gathers and shares groceries in Hamilton County to prevent food insecurity.

Use Your Unique Talents

Can you paint? Are you a whiz when it comes to figuring out math problems? Consider your talents and skills when looking for a volunteer opportunity. Plug in your zip code into United Way’s database to see opportunities in your area.

How do you get involved in your community? Comment to tell us about your favorite volunteer opportunities.

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