Complete guide to milk: Lactose intolerance, dairy allergies, nut milks & more
“Today’s milk aisle is amazing, but it’s also overwhelming!” says Erica Fleming, registered dietitian at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee.
“Today’s milk aisle is amazing, but it’s also overwhelming!” says Erica Fleming, registered dietitian at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee.
Studies show that people who have primary care providers live longer, healthier lives. They also tend to be happier with their health care overall.
Dr. Deborah Gatlin says getting kids into a routine doesn’t have to be difficult — if you work on building good habits over time.
Dr. Audrey Atkins addresses a concerning trend; why parents should encourage kids to play, be active
Sherry Campbell, founder of Welcome Home of Chattanooga, a sanctuary for people facing critical illness, says fear of death is natural, but denial, anxiety and avoidance are not.
Dr. Deborah Gatlin, medical director and child psychiatrist at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, explains peer pressure, peer influence and peer presence.
Leslie Cornett, registered dietitian-nutritionist at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, explains that by reducing the number of free radicals in your body, antioxidants help decrease your risk of disease.
Tyler Waclawski, certified exercise physiologist at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, says strengthening your core and improving your flexibility can help.
Tracy Terpstra, licensed mental health therapist and behavioral health expert for BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, says identifying the unhealthy habits that may be affecting you is the only way to reset.
Kami Neeley, director of strategic wellness consulting at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, says modern employees expect their company to support them as a whole person.