7 steps to a safe Halloween (and alternatives to trick or treating)
Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, says we should embrace the excitement of Halloween, but do so safely.
Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, says we should embrace the excitement of Halloween, but do so safely.
Every generation has collectively traumatic events. For older generations, it might be WWII or the Vietnam War. For others, it might be 9/11, school shootings, or COVID-19.
Dr. Audrey Atkins, a medical director at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, says parents and teachers have started using sign language to help babies communicate before they’re able to form words verbally.
Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, provides tips to keep babies safe.
Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, says arthritis is commonly seen in wrists, knees and ankles, but it can affect any joint.
WellTuned spoke with Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, to learn about one of the most common chronic illnesses of childhood in Tennessee.
Dr. Sharon Moore-Caldwell, a medical director for BlueCare Tennessee, provides strategies to foster positive relationships with food and exercise.
No matter your age, the ability to go to sleep comes down to one thing: habit. Creating good ones and breaking bad ones is key. Here are 3 common causes for childhood sleep problems and 5 tips to try.